Antibiotics for staph infection: Life with my PICC line

by Sunday, April 20th, 2014Breast Cancer14 comments

It’s been two weeks since my emergency surgery and things seem to be going along okay. I have learned to live with this PICC line and IV pump attached to me pretty much 24/7. Mark has become quite the expert on changing out the medicine bag each day. So in addition to him helping me with my two remaining drains, he has this to deal with. I will be hooked up to this IV pump until the 19th of May. So far, from the outside, it appears that my staph infection is clearing up. Once a week we have a nurse come to the house to draw blood to send to the lab, and to change the dressing on my PICC line.

On a positive note, my hair has really started to come back. I have loved being bald but it feels so good to have things turn around, and not have to wear a wig anymore. My eyebrows and lashes are back. I thought those would be the last to come in, seeing that they were the last to fall out. Now I just need to be patient with these drains. I can’t wait until I am able to put on something other than a zip-up top and stretch pants. I tried putting on a dress the other day to wear for Easter, and I got so frustrated because the bulbs from the drains kept sticking out, and it really didn’t look very flattering. I know, I know — this is only temporary.

My radiation is still on hold until I have the drains removed. I also need to have my breast fully filled before I can start radiation. I got an additional 100 cc’s of saline in my right breast, the side that needs to be radiated. My doctor is holding off filling my newer left breast.

Apple iPad Mini (A17 Pro)

Apple iPad Mini (A17 Pro)

Apple Intelligence, 8.3-inch Liquid Retina Display, 512GB, Wi-Fi 6E + 5G Cellular, 12MP Front/12MP Back Camera

I have been doing much better with the range of motion in my arms. I was really scared that I was going to have a major setback because of the second surgery. I had to refrain from doing any of my physical therapy exercises while I was in the hospital, but I was pleasantly surprised to see that I actually gained some more movement.

I am still not able to drive or go to the gym. The only little bit of freedom I have is going out for a walk. As the weather has been getting better, I have been able to get out nearly every day. I have worked my way up to just over 2.5 miles each day.

Friends of mine drove me up to the Basilica of St. Josaphat in Milwaukee on Friday.  When we went to the healing mass at Holy Hill back on March 23, we met a woman who told us about St. Josaphat and their Good Friday service.  She told us that at the end of the service, the whole church goes black except for one candle the priest carries down the aisle. Then all the parishioners start banging on the church pews to imitate the sound of the earth quaking at the time of Christ’s death. The church is really something to see, and the end of the service was pretty cool to be a part of.  If you ever have a chance to visit St. Josaphat, I think you would really find it fascinating.

Happy spring everyone!

  1. Mark Dyer

    Happy Easter everyone glad to see that you are doing well, keep up the great work, better times are coming, love you, take care!

    • Amy Czerniec

      Thanks Mark, Happy Easter to you and your family.

  2. Jen Woyan

    Amy & Mark – thanks for sharing your journey. Illness can be so scary but a video like this, as well as your blog, I can see being a beacon for anyone walking a similar path. Your posts are matter-of-fact with real-life info and I see this as something that would be a great help. And what I kept thinking is how beautiful you look – you have a great head! Your eyes are so glowing and bright. Happy Easter to you both!

    • Amy Czerniec

      Jen thanks so much for your comment. I don’t know what I would do without Mark. Having him by my side makes it all a lot easier to take. :)

  3. Julia

    Happiest of Easters to you and Mark! Much love ~

    • Amy Czerniec

      Thanks Julia, Happy Easter to you too.

  4. Linda Surratt

    So happy you can out and walk…and with lashes and brows! Be well

    • Amy Czerniec

      Yeah Linda I feel so grateful that I am able to get out. I really can’t complain, I always know that there is someone out there dealing with something a lot worse.

  5. Theresa & Rick

    Happy Easter Amy & Mark. Glad to hear you are doing so well and your hair is returning. Continue to mend and May 19th will be here before you know it!

    • Amy Czerniec

      Thanks Theresa and Rick. I know the two of you have been here and know what it’s like being tethered to this machine. And that there is light at the end of the tunnel. :)

  6. Karen Fleming

    Hi Mark and Amy,

    I know I just saw you a few hours ago at Easter, but I sat here and cried at this video. All I could think of was “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health……”. We recite those vows when we get married with no clue about the journey ahead. Your videos share more than your’s and Mark’s journey through cancer, we see a real marriage here, a real union. It was the part about Mark changing your IV bag that struck me. I’ve thought about it before when I’ve watched your videos, but there was something about Mark caring for you, and you being cared for, that struck me as a beautiful thing in the middle of all this. I just wanted to tell you both that.


    • Amy Czerniec

      Aww Karen you are making me cry. What an absolutely beautiful comment. I am so glad that you introduced me to your brother.

      I love you.

  7. Shirley Carter

    Dear Mark and Amy,

    I am happy that you are able to share your experiences with everyone. Some people may not have the courage to do so. Watching all that you have been going through has made me so proud of you both!

    Your mother/mother-in-law
    (Zbogem! May God be with the two of you)

    • Amy Czerniec

      Shirley mom,

      You are such a wonderful woman and mother. I thank God every day that I am part of your family.

      I realize that blogging my experience isn’t something that others would feel comfortable doing, but for me it helps to cope with what I am going through.

      We both love you so much mom. Having you by our side has been the greatest blessing.

      God be with you. :)


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