Billy Bob Thornton’s bizarre interview on CBC Radio’s Q / Qtv

by | Apr 9, 2009

Billy Bob Thronton and his band The Boxmasters were interviewed by Jian Ghomeshi on CBC Radio’s Q yesterday. Their latest album is a 2-CD set called Modbilly.

Oneida Cleo Flatware

Oneida Cleo Flatware Set, Service For 8

Cleo is clean and modern in shape but adds a decorative touch to the tabletop with a sweeping line across the surface separating the two tones. It has a Mid-Century modern feel to it with a suggestion of organic activity.
Here is last night’s AP story:

Joaquin Phoenix II? Billy Bob gives odd interview

Here is the post at the Q Blog about yesterday’s “showdown at the Q corral”:

Billy Bob Thornton on Q

And here is my previous post about Joaquin Phoenix’s appearance on The Late Show with David Letterman:

Joaquin Phoenix on ‘Late Show with David Letterman’

I think it’s odd that you have to smoke, period.

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celebrity music radio video


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