First chemotherapy treatment
I told this woman that Casper is not my dog and that I was helping my neighbor out with caring for Casper, and at the same time shared with her what I was currently going through. We exchanged names and she said she is putting me on her prayer list. I found out that Pickles owner’s name is Laurie and that her mother is a 16-year survivor of breast cancer, and her sister also was stricken by the disease. I said, “Oh my what about you?” She said she had precancerous cells and ended up having a double mastectomy because she tested positive for the BRCA 2 gene. It is so crazy how we come into contact with strangers and find out that we are fellow members of the same club. It seems daily that I am being put in touch with one strong woman after another.
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That was absolutely beautiful, Amy. Not something I ever thought I would say regarding chemo but I can see women everywhere thanking you in the years to come. Pure and fearless. I think fear is what we all struggle with because it is so hard to understand for anyone inexperienced, and now I understand a whole lot more. Thank you for that, and of course Mark, too.
Maria I just want to share what is going on and if you want to call it fearless I guess I will take it. I have been curious as to how this all works and feels. If I can help someone along the way that’s great but I believe all this sharing is helping me too.
The chemo affects everyone differently. Instead of drugs try ginger for nausea it does seem to help.
Gingins candy is what I have to chew on. I just sent Mark out to the store to buy some fresh ginger. I am going to make some ginger syrup that I found in a book called The Cancer Fighting Kitchen, by Rebecca Katz. This will come in handy to make home made ginger ale.
Hope u are feeling better today. Smile will be thinking of u.
Feeling better today. Thanks for thinking of me.