Ghost sign: Gold Medal Flour on the side of Ginas Pies Are Square in Wilton, Wisconsin

Ghost sign: Gold Medal Flour, Wilton, Wisconsin bakery

by | September 1, 2001 — 1:59 pm

Wilton, Wisconsin — Ghost sign advertising Gold Medal Flour on the side of Gina’s Pies Are Square, a bakery and sandwich café at 400 Main St. featuring homemade pies. Many of the customers at Gina’s are cyclists riding Wisconsin’s Elroy-Sparta Trail, a 32-mile, three-tunnel bike trail that passes just north of the café on the abandoned Chicago & North Western Railroad bed. Situated roughly midway along the trail, Gina’s is a favorite lunch spot.

Skechers Men's GO WALK 6 walking shoes

Skechers Men's GO WALK 6 walking shoes

Great shoes for walking on pavement in nice weather.


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