Justine Henin singing, acting, cooking on reality show

by | Jun 16, 2009

The YouTube video clip above comes via Straight Sets, the NYTimes.com tennis blog. It’s former tennis superstar Justine Henin singing a duet with Belgian balladeer Salvatore Adamo.

There was no explanation there, but a little Googling reveals that back in May, Henin — known as “Juju” to many of her fans — was the subject of a reality show in her home country of Belgium called Les 12 travaux de Justine Henin — literally “the twelve travails,” which some have also translated as “the twelve challenges” or “the twelve works.”

Here’s a promo for the show. Not speaking French, it’s tough to make out all of the challenges, but they seem to include soccer, ski instructing, cooking, modeling, and acting in her favorite soap opera Plus belle la vie.

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Finally, here is Justine Henin preparing a home-cooked meal — including her famous microwaved potato wedges — for special guest Arthur, who seems to be a French comedian and host known by that single name.

A few more video clips are online at RTBF.

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