Radiation therapy, First Fridays, Marc Maron

by Friday, June 20th, 2014Breast Cancer12 comments

I have 17 of my 30 radiation therapy treatments done. So far things haven’t been too bad. I have just the slightest little bit of pinkness starting on my skin. During radiation therapy, it’s important to keep your skin moisturized. As soon as each treatment is done, I apply cream to the radiated area. One added treat is getting a back rub every night. Mark has to put cream on my back where I can’t reach. :)

Medline Remedy Olivamine Skin Repair Cream is what they give you to start out with. As soon as my skin started to show signs of color, we switched to using Aquaphor Healing Ointment, which is much thicker and greasier. I feel fortunate so far that I am not burning too much. Let’s hope it stays that way.

I was glad to be able to get our camera into the radiation room. This part of my cancer treatment has been a little different for Mark. He has been right by my side through most everything else. With the radiation, he has to sit out in the waiting room. The staff was great, though, to let me take Mark in and record a little of what the room and the machine look like.

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For a little bit more detail, check out the video and blog post by Nalie, a Canadian breast cancer blogger I follow. She was able to get in and actually show how she has to get lined up and positioned. We don’t both go through quite the same thing, but her being set up in the machine is very similar to how they get me ready.

We spent most of our Memorial Day weekend doing yard work like so many people do. For many years we have had two garden beds of tomatoes. This year we decided to take a break and do a flower garden instead. We scattered a combination of wildflowers, sunflowers, and a hummingbird mix of seeds. We had to make a fresh cut in the grass around the two beds and decided to line them with paver bricks. I think it looks so much better. Now all I have to do is figure out which sprouts are weeds, and which are flowers. We also cut down the three elderberry bushes that didn’t survive the winter.

Racine First Fridays: Sharon and Amy at Metamorphosis Arts in downtown Racine
Our friend Sharon was in town for a visit recently, which was a blast. We got to show her our wonderful downtown during First Fridays. While she was here I got to share with her my love for one of my favorite comedians, Marc Maron.
After Sharon went back to Chicagoland, I realized that Marc was doing a stand-up comedy show there on Saturday night. Sharon insisted that I come down and go to the show with her. It was a perfect night! The show was fabulous.
Marc Maron with Sharon and Amy, Athenaeum Theatre, Chicago
The best thing was that we hung around afterward and were able to get our picture taken with him. I can’t tell you how giddy I was, like a crazy schoolgirl for the rest of the night. Marc is really a special person. He has found his niche interviewing people on his podcast, WTF with Marc Maron. I am so happy for him, and for all of us who get to listen.

We have had a little family of House Finches nesting outside our dining room window. This week they all took flight. It was so much fun watching the whole process.

School is out for the summer, and I am more than halfway through my radiation.

Take care — and thanks, everyone, for checking in.

  1. Michelle D

    Hi Amy & Mark,
    Love you both! :)

  2. Diane Johnson

    Hello Amy; I am sorry to hear that you are going thru this at this time. You seem to be handling it and your loving husband support is awesome. I wish a good outcome for you and your family. I recently signed back with Mary Kay, haven’t had any Sales yet because I am moving but hopefully soon. Prayers to you.
    Diane Johnson!

    • Amy Czerniec

      Oh wow hey there Diane I think of you often. :) Thank you for checking in and sending your prayers and support my way.

      Good luck to you with your business and your move.

      Take care.

  3. Karen Fleming

    Hi Amy,

    Great video! It’s interesting to see the radiation molds. I didn’t picture them like that. I was thinking more plaster of paris..like the hand imprint I gave my Mom for Mother’s Day when I was in kindergarten :) Best part of your video was seeing the pictures of you so happy with Marc Maron and Sharon.

    I wanted to tell you that the my broccoli is ready to harvest. I have to harvest the first batch today. I read up on it and you have to harvest broccoli before you see any sign of yellow flowers starting. I looked at the florets today and I see very slight yellow dots forming, they are hard to see really. I guess I am actually a bit late. So I will give you some from the next batch. You cut the florets from the first batch and the plant produces more. Check out this video when you have time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXT1lx5dfPk

    I have become a gardening addict!! I spent over an hour today reading on how to grow the perfect broccoli. Can’t wait to stop over again and see your wildflower garden from Katie :)

    Love ya!

    • Amy Czerniec

      Hey Karen, I can’t wait to try some of your broccoli. I have been eyeing our Kale and Swiss chard and wondered when I can dig in to try it.

      I have so much weeding to do before you stop by. :)

      Love to you as well.

  4. Bridgett

    Really enjoyed watching this and catching up on your progress! You Truly are an Amazing soul and can really tell that you fully enjoy every little thing you run into in your day- such an insiration to me! Cant wait to get my “Amy” shot today ;-) Love You and Mark

    • Amy Czerniec

      Thanks Bridgett for checking in. I Love, Love, Love you! It was so nice to catch up with you yesterday. I really miss seeing you on a daily basis. You are always an inspiration to me. You are a kind and beautiful soul yourself.

  5. Jennifer DeCristoforo

    Hello Amy, I found you via your YouTube vids right after my diagnosis and now followed breadcrumbs to your blog. You have given me such inspiration; thanks for sharing such a personal experience. I have BC and am in chemo now in Maine. Your preview of radiation is helpful too as I start in the Fall. Your terrific and funny personality is what first engaged me and I feel like I have a new friend. Keep up the good work (in treatment AND blogging!)

    • Amy Czerniec

      Hello Jennifer,

      Thank you for reaching out to me and leaving such a beautiful comment. I am so sorry to hear that you have breast cancer. Every time I come into contact with someone newly diagnosed, it brings me back to my early days of hearing that news, and it breaks my heart. I remember that feeling of not knowing what to expect; it was such a mystery to me. It feels good to know that you found my bits on radiation to be helpful.

      I am sending positive energy and love your way.

      Keep in touch, my new friend.


  6. Marianne Germinaro

    Amy, I am so happy to see that others that are going through cancer have come across your blog . It’s inspiring to read that Jennifer from Maine found your blog after recently being diagnosed with cancer. That she can find comfort reading your blogs and in the near future relate to some of the experiences that you went through. Love you and had a great time upnorth last weekend with my husband, sisters and grand daughters.

    • Amy Czerniec

      Marianne – I guess sharing my experience has done more than I expected. It has touched me to hear from other women (around the world) who are going through a breast cancer diagnosis.

      I too had a great time up north with you and the rest of the family. Too bad the weekend flies by so fast.

      I love you.


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