AirPods Pro (2nd generation)
The snow has since stopped, so now we’re going out to shovel.
Update, 1:50 p.m. Here are our first few steps out the back door:
Like Amy’s Royal Mail coat? Sure, all the trendy Dutch were wearing them last year, but Amy got hers the year before that at American Science & Surplus.
Here’s the snow in front of our house:
This is our neighbor Kim with her curvy new ride:
And here we are (courtesy of our neighbor Jamie), finished for now, after about two hours of shoveling:
I measured 10, 12, and 13 inches since last night in three different spots on our front walk. Our forecast calls for more snow tomorrow, Sunday, and Tuesday.
Plus, there’s also a Wind Chill Advisory which anticipates wind chill values of 20 to 34 degrees below zero from Saturday night through Monday morning.