Today marks one year since being diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember it was a very nice day much like today. It was kind of hard to enjoy because we knew the call could come, but as the day went on I didn’t think it was going to happen. The call came around 3:45 p.m. and it could have gone either way. It was just so surreal when the radiologist said, “Yeah, the biopsy shows that there are cancer cells”.
breast cancer
Radiation therapy home stretch
It’s just about 11 months since my breast cancer diagnosis (8/14/13 3:45 p.m.), and I’m coming into the home stretch on my treatments. I feel fortunate that I haven’t had too many terrible side effects along the way. I just now — after 27 treatments of radiation therapy — am having some uncomfortable itching episodes on the skin around my neck.
Video: Chemo treatment 3
Well, I’m three-quarters of the way through the first phase of my chemo treatments. This was round 3 out of 4 with Adriamycin and Cytoxan. I have been told that these drugs are the roughest, because your white blood cells are hit so hard. After the A/C, I have 12 rounds of Taxol, which should be a little less compromising on the immune system.
Video: My head shaved after 2nd chemo
I wasn’t sure what I was going to do when my hair started coming out. I thought that maybe Mark and I could tackle it on our own with a pair of clippers borrowed from my sister Marianne. Then last week I received a phone call from my sister Kim who works as a nail technician at a salon.
I have breast cancer
It’s been a while since I have added a new blog entry. Really the site was not up for the past year or so. I have decided to bring it back because I am faced with a new chapter in my life. On August 14th, I was told that I have breast cancer. I had felt a lump earlier this year and thought oh it’s probably nothing.