As I have written here previously, we visited the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis back in 1999. The museum is housed within the former Lorraine Motel, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was gunned down 41 years ago tomorrow evening. This morning, I heard on the...
civil rights
National Civil Rights Museum at Lorraine Motel in Memphis
Today, on the national holiday celebrating the birth of the Martin Luther King, Jr., there's a news story about how King has been simplified into an icon and a catchphrase, and the details of his life and work have been softened, blurred, and appropriated. Being seven...
Lorraine Motel sign, Memphis
Memphis, Tennessee — The former Lorraine Motel, where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated (white wreath to the left of the sign on the second-floor railing), now houses the National Civil Rights Museum.[includeme...
Civil Rights Museum protester Jacqueline Smith
Memphis, Tennessee — Jacqueline Smith was the last resident of the Lorraine Motel before it became the National Civil Rights Museum. She has been across the street from the museum at her protest site since January 12,...
Civil Rights Museum protester Jacqueline Smith’s display
Memphis, Tennessee: National Civil Rights Museum protester Jacqueline Smith, the last resident of the Lorraine Motel, has kept a protest vigil across the street since January 12, 1988. The sign leaning against the wall...
MLK assassination: Memphis rooming house, protest
Memphis, Tennessee — The shot that killed Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. is said to have been fired by James Earl Ray through the fourth window from the right, a bathroom in Bessie Brewer's Rooming House at 422 S. Main St. Dr....
Civil Rights Museum: MLK assassination memorial
Memphis, Tennessee — National Civil Rights museum memorial of the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968, at the Lorraine Motel, where the museum is now located. Dr. King had just stepped out of Room 306...