Author Michael Lewis is on tour for his new book, Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World, published on Monday by Simon & Schuster. Above is the extended clip of his appearance last night on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart. Boomerang is sort of a followup to...
Daily Show
Keith Olbermann, Jon Stewart: Out-crazying Glenn Beck
Keith Olbermann's segments on Glenn Beck's Rockefeller Center lunacy the past two nights have been hysterical. Do not miss these: The clip above is from Thursday night's installment of Countdown with Keith Olbermann on MSNBC. In it, Keith analyzes Glenn Beck's...
‘Morning Joe’ Scarborough brews up Jon Stewart feud over Starbucks
Former Florida congressman Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's Morning Joe, may be the electronic media's most tolerable conservative Republican. He may even have a new book, out just yesterday, urging his party back from radical recklessness to a more moderate...
Rick Santelli, CNBC in hot water on ‘The Daily Show with Jon Stewart’
God bless Jon Stewart and the Daily Show researchers and editors for putting CNBC's accuracy record under the microscope following Rick Santelli's anti-bailout rant on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.. I am so sick of...