A shooting close to home, Aaron Rodgers loses to the Detroit Lions, ‘Bad Sisters,’ ‘Physical,’ ‘Elvis,’ ‘Hard Knocks In Season: The Arizona Cardinals,’ ‘The Established Home,’ ‘The Lost Kitchen,’ Dr. Seuss teaches Critical Race Theory, ‘Welcome to Chippendales,’ ‘The Flagmakers’
Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary & Arboretum in Kenosha, WI
Many people whiz down Green Bay Road between Kenosha and Racine every day, and although they may see the Hawthorn Hollow sign across from Petrifying Springs Park, most don't know about the treasure inside its gates. Hawthorn Hollow Nature Sanctuary & Arboretum is...
Jonah Lehrer: ‘Imagine: How Creativity Works’
Update, July 30, 2012: On Sunday, July 29, Jonah Lehrer resigned from The New Yorker over reuse of his own material in his New Yorker blog posts, and after an article in Tablet magazine — "Jonah Lehrer’s Deceptions" — revealed that he had fabricated quotes from Bob...
Stupid Americans found to be dumb and ignorant
A March 20 Newsweek story — "How Dumb Are We? / How Ignorant Are Americans?" — found that 29 percent of us can't name our vice president, 44 percent cannot define the Bill of Rights, and 73 percent are clueless about the core issue behind the Cold War. All of these...
Mitchell Middle School double rainbow, Racine, Wisconsin
Racine, Wisconsin — A double rainbow shines over Mitchell School's west entrance and American flag following a summer rain shower.
Ian graduates 8th grade, St. Joseph, Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin — Our nephew, Ian Thrasher, graduates from eighth grade at St. Joseph Interparish Junior High School, shaking hands with keynote speaker and St. Joe's alum Lisa Halverson....
Jaime Escalante and ‘ganas’
The death of Jaime Escalante is in the news today. Escalante was the calculus teacher portrayed in the 1988 film Stand and Deliver who had his students in a low-income, East Los Angeles school passing the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Listening to a remembrance today on...
Firefox spell check: Help for Wisconsin’s poor spellers
Perhaps there is poor spelling everywhere, and I'm just more conscious of it in my fellow Wisconsinites. Whatever the reason, it sometimes seems like you can't read a single comment at the Journal Times or the Racine Post or JT...
‘Good Eats’ on YouTube
I have written here before about Good Eats — about the steel-cut oatmeal show, the gumbo show. Good Eats is one of my all-time favorite shows on television. At the same time, I currently loathe the Food Network. Where I once looked...
Bradford graduation, Kenosha: Brad arrives
Kenosha, Wisconsin — Our nephew Brad arrives at Bradford High School for the commencement ceremony and his graduation.