
Here is a list of content tagged “employment” on MarkCz.com.

‘The Coming Jobs War,’ by Gallup CEO Jim Clifton

‘The Coming Jobs War,’ by Gallup CEO Jim Clifton

Watch any TV these days, and the title of Gallup CEO Jim Clifton's recent book hardly seems prophetic. Companies tout job creation on commercials, news reports obsess over workforce and unemployment statistics, and candidates push tax plans aimed at small business and...

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The Tea Party and a warped sense of time

The Tea Party and a warped sense of time

Reading an editorial today by Racine's local newspaper, I felt a certain "down the rabbit-hole" sensation that has become increasingly familiar. The Journal Times opinion piece, "State no longer a ‘tax hell’," lauds the news that "Wisconsin's taxation ranking has hit...

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Amy Czerniec and the dog that broke her heart

Amy Czerniec and the dog that broke her heart

(Above: Amy, circled, at launch event for Y-LinK: Young Leaders in Kenosha.) Amy called me around 12:30 on Monday afternoon. I wasn't surprised that she was crying, but I did not anticipate exactly what triggered it. "That damn dog," she sobbed. "How do they know?"...

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