
Here is a list of content tagged “football” on

Green Bay Packers ownership: A socialist success story

Green Bay Packers ownership: A socialist success story

The Green Bay Packers' unique history, hometown, and ownership have been in the spotlight the past few weeks, and last night MSNBC's Rachel Maddow closed her show with an admiring look (video clip above) at the NFL's only remaining old-school team town, and the...

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Super Bowl 2007 XLI: Indianapolis Colts vs. Chicago Bears

Super Bowl 2007 XLI: Indianapolis Colts vs. Chicago Bears

6:50 a.m. — It's ten minutes before seven on the granddaddy of American holidays, and I'm not going to be sleeping anymore, but it's still ten and a half hours before kickoff, so why not put my nervous energy into something cliché — like, say, live-blogging Super Bowl...

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