It was on The Rachel Maddow Show back on August 10 that I first heard of the New Apostolic Reformation. That segment aired just before Rick Perry entered the 2012 presidential race, and just after his August 6th prayer rally — "The Response" — at Houston's Reliant...
Fighting Bob La Follette, Wisconsin State Capitol, Madison
Madison, Wisconsin — Copy of a bust of Robert M. La Follette, Sr. by sculptor Jo Davidson in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol building at the entrance to the capitol's east gallery. Known as "Fighting Bob," La...
Wisconsin capitol building, Madison: East gallery
Madison, Wisconsin — East gallery of the Wisconsin State Capitol building, viewed from across the rotunda. A bust of Robert M. La Follette stands in front of the gallery, and a sculpture of a badger is perched atop the...
President Barack Obama, Memorial Hall, Racine, Wisconsin
Racine, Wisconsin — President Barack Obama answers a question during his town hall meeting at Memorial Hall. See also: My blog post and videos.
Memorial Hall: President Barack Obama in Racine, Wisconsin
Racine, Wisconsin — An audience at Memorial Hall listens to President Barack Obama during his town hall meeting. See also: My blog post and videos.
Andrew Bacevich on ‘Bill Moyers Journal’: Warning in America
We modern Americans are marvels of indolence. We'll slap magnetic "Support our troops" ribbons on our minivans and surrender our freedoms to telephone companies if that's what it takes to keep from having to protect our freedoms, but let anyone even suggest keeping...
President Bush: ‘Signing statements’ make him 3 branches in 1
Remember back in school when you were forced to read and recite all that mumbo jumbo about "separation of powers," "checks and balances," and America's "three branches" of government? What a drag, huh? Happily, schoolkids can forget all...
Torre del Mangia and Palazzo Pubblico, Siena, Italy
Siena, Italy — The Torre del Mangia ("Tower of the Eater," left) and the Palazzo Pubblico (town hall) on the Piazza del Campo. Built between 1338 and 1348, the 289-foot tower was designed to be of equal height to Siena...
Hawaii State Capitol building, downtown Honolulu
Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii — The Hawaii State Capitol building (415 S. Beretania Street), housing the Hawaii State Legislature, is nestled at center-left among the high-rise buildings of downtown Honolulu. Farther out, at the...