
Here is a list of content tagged “Halloween” on MarkCz.com.

More activities as cancer treatments drift into past

More activities as cancer treatments drift into past

While putting the video together for this blog post, I was really surprised to see just how much we have been doing lately. A year ago we were just starting out with our weekly visits for treatments and doctors appointments. It’s hard to believe that that is all behind us. I feel like things are starting to get back to normal.

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Ellen’s haunted house video and my reaction

Ellen’s haunted house video and my reaction

My sister in law Karen shared this video from The Ellen DeGeneres Show — "Andy and Amy's Haunted House" — in the comment area on my previous post. While I watched Amy and Adam go through Universal Studios' Halloween Horror Nights, Mark caught my reaction on camera and...

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Halloween costumes: Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein

Halloween costumes: Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein

Happy Halloween to you and yours from Frankenstein's monster and the lovely Bride of Frankenstein! Our Halloween costumes feature the classic Universal Studios Boris Karloff Frankenstein Mask, plus the Monster's Bride Wig, scars and makeup. In assembling the Bride of...

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