home improvement

Here is a list of content tagged “home improvement” on MarkCz.com.

How to replace a toilet: First, break the old toilet

How to replace a toilet: First, break the old toilet

A couple of days ago, I successfully replaced our toilet's flapper assembly. However, something was still not quite right. The flush handle was bumping into the tank lid, and it clearly needed a small adjustment. So on Thursday afternoon, I grabbed an adjustable...

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Faucet instructions from Peerless are funny

Faucet instructions from Peerless are funny

Amy and her boss were replacing a faucet yesterday. They began by dutifully reading the instructions. Pretty soon they were laughing out loud at lines like "Good luck to you, and may all your coupling nuts turn freely," and "Step 1G: Spit and drink a pop. See? We told...

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