A new home fragrance solution, Donald J. Trump degenerates further in campaign’s last week, Halloween 2024.
How long is a turkey good for?
Forgive me if I pause to discreetly gag while writing this, dear reader, but our house currently smells of roast wet dog. The lesson to be learned from this is that the expiration date of a fresh turkey should not be stretched — not even by a couple of days. We're not...
How to replace a toilet: First, break the old toilet
A couple of days ago, I successfully replaced our toilet's flapper assembly. However, something was still not quite right. The flush handle was bumping into the tank lid, and it clearly needed a small adjustment. So on Thursday afternoon, I grabbed an adjustable...
Electric fan: Good day for the Vornado table fan
I was sitting here browsing the Web when a tweet scrolled by on TweetGrid. It was Jacqui Cheng writing: @Suntimes I'm working inside of my office with no AC and no air circulation! Wait... That's when I remembered that I do own an...
Kitchen: Kenmore electric range, InterMetro shelving
Racine, Wisconsin — Our kitchen, with Kenmore electric oven range and InterMetro Professional shelving serving as an open pantry.
Laundry tips: How to keep clothes looking new longer
Washing machines, dryers, laundry detergents, and fabric softeners can turn your magnificent new apparel into lint in no time. Want to still be wearing the garments you bought last weekend well into the 2020s? Sure you do. Here are my top seven laundry tips for...
Faucet instructions from Peerless are funny
Amy and her boss were replacing a faucet yesterday. They began by dutifully reading the instructions. Pretty soon they were laughing out loud at lines like "Good luck to you, and may all your coupling nuts turn freely," and "Step 1G: Spit and drink a pop. See? We told...
Ronald Reagan boyhood bedroom, Dixon, Illinois
Dixon, Illinois — Boys' bedroom at the boyhood home of President Ronald Reagan. Neil Reagan and his younger brother Ronald shared the smallest bedroom in this house at 816 S. Hennepin Avenue from late 1920, when Ronald was 9...
Kenosha apartment, 5th Avenue
Kenosha, Wisconsin — The ramshackle upper flat on Kenosha's small boat harbor where we spent 17 quick years.
Reading Joseph Campbell
Kenosha, Wisconsin — Reading Joseph Campbell's The Masks of God: Creative Mythology at home on the sofa.
Kenosha apartment kitchen table
Kenosha, Wisconsin — The kitchen of our apartment in Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Home office in Kenosha, with feet up
Kenosha, Wisconsin: At home in my office with the sounds of the harbor outside.
My feet in the bathtub
Kenosha, Wisconsin — We had a deep, old clawfoot bathtub in that apartment on 5th Avenue. In lucid dreaming, there’s an exercise that involves finding your feet or your hands as a first step in establishing your identity and...
Home office in Kenosha, Wisconsin
Kenosha, Wisconsin — Self-portrait: At work on an Apple computer workstation in my home office, surrounded by books.