
Here is a list of content tagged “Japan” on MarkCz.com.

Potassium iodide: Thyroid protection from nuclear radiation

Potassium iodide: Thyroid protection from nuclear radiation

Watching coverage of the Japan nuclear meltdown over the last couple of days — as well as the related discussion of the risk of nuclear plant meltdown here in the United States — the distribution of potassium iodide there made me wonder: What does potassium iodide...

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‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ (2005 movie)

Late in November of 2005, Oprah Winfrey was on my TV getting all effusive over Memoirs of a Geisha. To hear Oprah describe it, it was the most moving, most beautifully filmed cinematic masterpiece in the history of box offices. Having...

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‘Tokyo Story’ (1953 movie)

Last night we watched Tokyo Story, a 1953 Japanese movie by Yasujiro Ozu which is often included in lists of the best films of all time. Previously, we had seen Ozu's 1959 work, Floating Weeds, which included a very illuminating commentary by our favorite critic,...

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