
Here is a list of content tagged “language” on

Jaime Escalante and ‘ganas’

Jaime Escalante and ‘ganas’

The death of Jaime Escalante is in the news today. Escalante was the calculus teacher portrayed in the 1988 film Stand and Deliver who had his students in a low-income, East Los Angeles school passing the Scholastic Aptitude Test. Listening to a remembrance today on...

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‘Lent’ meaning in English

‘Lent’ meaning in English

What is Lent? For Christians, Lent is the period of roughly 6 weeks before Easter. When does Lent start? When is Lent over? For Roman Catholics, Protestants, and churches of the Western Orthodoxy, Lent begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on Holy Saturday. This is a...

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‘Hone in’ vs. ‘home in’

“Hone in” is wrong. You will hear a lot of people these days saying that they're “honing in on” something or other. These people are wrong in their use of the expression. This type of misuse is known as an eggcorn. Honing refers to the use of a honing steel to...

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