Fourth of July fireworks out of Apocalypse Now, Jewel on WTF, Presidential immunity and a sense of doom, the Tour de France and Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy.’
‘Hot Coffee’ movie: How tort reform smothers your rights
Hot Coffee is a 2011 documentary film directed by Susan Saladoff which reveals that corporate interests have systematically muscled the American people out of their own legal system, and that the ability of ordinary citizens to seek fair compensation for harm done to...
Erasing José Padilla, United States citizen
In his special comment about "sacrifice" last night, Keith Olbermann spoke of the way President Bush has been able to "deaden the collective mind of this country to the pointlessness of endless war, against the wrong people, in the wrong...
President Bush: ‘Signing statements’ make him 3 branches in 1
Remember back in school when you were forced to read and recite all that mumbo jumbo about "separation of powers," "checks and balances," and America's "three branches" of government? What a drag, huh? Happily, schoolkids can forget all...