For a maverick politician who's constantly trying to portray herself as tough and unafraid, Sarah Palin has spent an awful lot of time hiding behind her Facebook and Twitter accounts, keeping herself as unaccountable as possible while simultaneously hoping to somehow...
Rick Sanchez and baby talk news
Rick Sanchez has that special something. It's more complicated than simply being someone people love to hate. There is a certain rare balance of unimaginable awfulness and underlying vulnerability that makes some of the world's biggest egos simply irresistible....
Election Day 2008: Live blog
9:17 a.m. — I've got some leftover sauce reheating in the microwave. I'll mix it with the egg noodles boiling on the stove and call it breakfast. MSNBC is on my TV, and I can see my local polling place from my living room window. It's 61 sunny and clear degrees...
ABC World News: Racine, Wisconsin’s minute in spotlight
ABC's ABC World News with Charles Gibson devoted this past week to a "Great American Battleground Bus Tour" gimmick which purported to give Gibson and his viewers insight into real, live heartland voters in cities like Dayton, Bowling Green, Indianapolis, Davenport —...
Terry Armour, 1961-2007
I'm sure everyone in the Steve Dahl Show family is stunned and saddened tonight as Amy and I were upon learning that Terry Armour has died from an apparent heart attack at the Chicago Tribune offices. Terry was an endless source of fun and humor at the remote...
Matt Taibbi, a breath of fresh air
I'm sitting here 90 minutes north of Chicago in my shorts and flip flops after mowing the lawn on this 77 degree October 21. While waiting for the 60 Minutes story on mega-fires in the American west, I find myself nostalgic for certain individuals, now dead, who used...
The Atlantic: Magazines and coffee beans
One of the first realizations that hit me when the World Wide Web was emerging was that magazines were doomed. Suddenly, all the color and photos and graphics and layout possibilities of magazines could go through a wire along with the text, without waiting for...