
Here is a list of content tagged “Minneapolis” on MarkCz.com.

The power of now: Eckhart Tolle and a Bike Ride on 35W

The power of now: Eckhart Tolle and a Bike Ride on 35W

A baffling practice on public television here in the USA is the way the program schedule gets swapped out whenever fundraising time rolls around. While public radio stations typically interrupt abbreviated versions of their regular shows to ask for money, public TV...

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T.D. Mischke fired from KSTP

T.D. Mischke fired from KSTP

(Update: Great news: Tommy Mischke will be heard again on weekday afternoons beginning March 4 from 2 to 4 p.m. via CityPages.com.) As you most likely know by now, broadcasting legend Steve Dahl was let go on Friday by CBS Radio. Phil Rosenthal has the details over at...

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