
Here is a list of content tagged “psychology” on

‘The Power of Habit’: Break bad habits, form good ones

‘The Power of Habit’: Break bad habits, form good ones

The Power of Habit in paperbackUpdate: A paperback edition of The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business, by Charles Duhigg, was published on January 7, 2014. Although we may not be aware of it, we spend most of our lives doing routine things that...

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Positive thinking can make you depressed

Positive thinking can make you depressed

Curmudgeons rejoice! At long last, science suggests that the forced sunniness imposed by religious evangelists, sales motivators, and self-help books from The Power of Positive Thinking to The Secret can actually make you feel worse. Today's "Science Digest" at...

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Happiness greater with friends nearby

Happiness greater with friends nearby

The "Your happiness could be contagious" story was all over the news yesterday, but it makes much more of an impression when it's accompanied by file footage of happy people, as in last night's NBC Nightly News story, embedded above. [includeme...

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