I had been told by so many people how easy the radiation portion of treatment would be. I have to say, yes — the immediate side effects are not too bad, the skin getting burned over time and a little fatigue. However, I didn’t know what the effects were going to be weeks after radiation.
radiation therapy
Radiation therapy home stretch
It’s just about 11 months since my breast cancer diagnosis (8/14/13 3:45 p.m.), and I’m coming into the home stretch on my treatments. I feel fortunate that I haven’t had too many terrible side effects along the way. I just now — after 27 treatments of radiation therapy — am having some uncomfortable itching episodes on the skin around my neck.
Radiation therapy, First Fridays, Marc Maron
I have 17 of my 30 radiation therapy treatments done. So far things haven’t been too bad. I have just the slightest little bit of pinkness starting on my skin. During radiation therapy, it’s important to keep your skin moisturized. As soon as each treatment is done, I apply cream to the radiated area.
Getting ready for radiation therapy
We were fortunate to have great weather for Easter. I loved being with both our families on that day. It’s always fun to watch the kids find the Easter eggs that the adults hide for them. This year at my mother-in-law’s house, Mark and our brother-in-law Kevin were in charge of hiding the eggs.