I have mostly ignored Dick Cheney and his torrent of wrongheaded criticism over the last year. Something is obviously broken in the man — namely, any sense of humility that would prompt a rational person to shut his mouth. Reportedly, Cheney criticized the Obama...
war on terror
Here is a list of content tagged “war on terror” on MarkCz.com.
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Waterboarding is torture: Mancow lasts 6 seconds
Last night on MSNBC's Countdown, Keith Olbermann showed a video: The waterboarding of Erich "Mancow" Muller in Chicago for Mancow's radio show: "Absolutely torture," he says. "That's drowning," he says. If he were being interrogated...
‘V for Vendetta’ (Natalie Portman movie, 2006)
Never really into graphic novels (or comic books, as they used to be called), I had some initial resistance to this movie about a vigilante in a Guy Fawkes mask in post-American Britain who uses fantastic swordsmanship and martial...
Erasing José Padilla, United States citizen
In his special comment about "sacrifice" last night, Keith Olbermann spoke of the way President Bush has been able to "deaden the collective mind of this country to the pointlessness of endless war, against the wrong people, in the wrong...