weight loss

Here is a list of content tagged “weight loss” on MarkCz.com.

Jeff Garlin’s weight loss, new book

This week, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart had a lineup of a few of our favorite comedians. Monday night started out with Ricky Gervais, which was pretty crazy.  Tuesday's guest was Jeff Garlin from HBO's Curb Your Enthusiasm, and Wednesday it was Tracy Morgan. All...

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Alton Brown diet plan: Weight loss through ‘Good Eats’

Alton Brown diet plan: Weight loss through ‘Good Eats’

Here's something we watched while my blog was getting redesigned. It's the Alton Brown diet plan — the January 4 episode of Good Eats, titled "Live and Let Diet." We had noticed, going back to a recent season of Alton Brown's Feasting on Asphalt, that the guy had...

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