
Here is a list of content tagged “Wisconsin” on MarkCz.com.

Another Week: Number 96

Another Week: Number 96

Imagination gains elasticity. Canvassing and voting. Tim Walz rally in Racine. ‘John McGivern’s Main Streets’ (with Emmy Fink). Michelle Obama’s speech in Kalamazoo. ‘His Three Daughters’ (2023).

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Another Week: Number 33

Another Week: Number 33

The end of summer; the Wisconsin State Fair jingle and “Warm Love”; ‘American Experience: American Oz’; Lahaina burns to the ground; ‘The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human,’ by Jonathan Gottschall; ‘Game Night’ (2018)

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Another Week: Number 3

Another Week: Number 3

A shooting close to home, Aaron Rodgers loses to the Detroit Lions, ‘Bad Sisters,’ ‘Physical,’ ‘Elvis,’ ‘Hard Knocks In Season: The Arizona Cardinals,’ ‘The Established Home,’ ‘The Lost Kitchen,’ Dr. Seuss teaches Critical Race Theory, ‘Welcome to Chippendales,’ ‘The Flagmakers’

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More activities as cancer treatments drift into past

More activities as cancer treatments drift into past

While putting the video together for this blog post, I was really surprised to see just how much we have been doing lately. A year ago we were just starting out with our weekly visits for treatments and doctors appointments. It’s hard to believe that that is all behind us. I feel like things are starting to get back to normal.

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Three weeks since mastectomy

Three weeks since mastectomy

It’s been three weeks since my bilateral mastectomy and things move along better each day. I still have problems reaching for things really high up in the cabinets or bending down to pick things up from the floor.

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Ryan Gosling movie: ‘Lars and the Real Girl’ (2007)

Ryan Gosling movie: ‘Lars and the Real Girl’ (2007)

Imagine if the late comedian Andy Kaufman made a feature film. Picture a movie with an authentic indy drama feel and a sturdy cast — but revolving around a ludicrous predicament which is uncomfortable to begin with, and then continues on and on until the absurdity...

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SC Johnson companies pay no Wisconsin income taxes?

SC Johnson companies pay no Wisconsin income taxes?

Over his 45-year career in journalism, David Cay Johnston has many impressive achivements. Tax reporter for the The New York Times from 1995 to 2006, he was a Pulitzer Prize finalist in 2000 and 2003, and won the Pulitzer Prize for Beat Reporting in 2001 "for his...

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Stupid Americans found to be dumb and ignorant

Stupid Americans found to be dumb and ignorant

A March 20 Newsweek story — "How Dumb Are We? / How Ignorant Are Americans?" — found that 29 percent of us can't name our vice president, 44 percent cannot define the Bill of Rights, and 73 percent are clueless about the core issue behind the Cold War. All of these...

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Blizzard of 2011: Snow storm video, Racine, Wisconsin

Blizzard of 2011: Snow storm video, Racine, Wisconsin

Here's our YouTube video of the Blizzard of 2011 as we experienced it here in Racine, Wisconsin. 23.5 inches of snow fell here from Tuesday evening until Wednesday morning (February 1st and 2nd), the greatest snowfall anywhere from this storm. If we sound dead tired,...

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Obama a Keynesian? And Ron Johnson says ‘start digging’

Obama a Keynesian? And Ron Johnson says ‘start digging’

Above is an outrageous Second City Network video from the site of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert's Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear on Washington D.C.'s National Mall this past weekend. Andy Cobb of The Partisans asks attendees, "Is Obama a Keynesian?" You have to...

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Limburger cheese rolls from Monroe, Wisconsin

Limburger cheese rolls from Monroe, Wisconsin

Racine, Wisconsin — Limburger Rolls from the Boomerang Bakery in Monroe, Wisconsin. Despite the pungent reputation of Limburger cheese, these unique rolls are really delicious because of their sweet, yeasty dough, which...

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Red Jewel Crabapple tree, iced

Red Jewel Crabapple tree, iced

Racine, Wisconsin — A Red Jewel Crabapple tree (Malus x 'Red Jewel') covered with hoar frost on a cold Wisconsin morning. This crabapple tree is one of a pair planted as part of the City of Racine's Street Tree Planting...

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Amy Czerniec and the dog that broke her heart

Amy Czerniec and the dog that broke her heart

(Above: Amy, circled, at launch event for Y-LinK: Young Leaders in Kenosha.) Amy called me around 12:30 on Monday afternoon. I wasn't surprised that she was crying, but I did not anticipate exactly what triggered it. "That damn dog," she sobbed. "How do they know?"...

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Wisconsin has statewide tornado drills today

Wisconsin has statewide tornado drills today

That's Michke in the video. He's up in St. Paul, and you can hear him streaming live this afternoon from 2-4 p.m. Prior to that, as part of "2009 Tornado and Severe Weather Awareness Week" here in Wisconsin, we'll observe a mock tornado watch beginning at 1:00 this...

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Bay View neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Bay View neighborhood in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

The weather was finally nice the day before yesterday, so, with no plans except to simply get outdoors, we ended up taking Wisconsin Highway 32 north from Racine to Bay View, an interesting little Milwaukee neighborhood that we have passed through a number of times....

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Snow in Wisconsin: December 19, 2008

Snow in Wisconsin: December 19, 2008

This was the view outside my window at about 9:20 this morning. I think I'm going to send it to Charles Osgood and ask him to use it as the last minute of this week's CBS Sunday Morning. The snow has since stopped, so now we're going...

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Snow! Bring back Indian summer

Our local forecast: This afternoon: Flurries and areas of blowing snow before 3pm, then areas of blowing snow after 3pm. Tonight: Wind chill values between -5 and 5. Sunday night: New snow accumulation of 1 to 3 inches possible. Monday night: New snow accumulation of...

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Backyard gardening: Playing in the dirt

Backyard gardening: Playing in the dirt

It will yield you brambles and thistles, as you eat the produce of the land. By the sweat of your face will you earn your food, until you return to the ground. as you were taken from it. — Genesis 3:18-19, The New Jerusalem Bible We've been spending a lot of time on...

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Pancake Day, Festival Hall, Racine, Wisconsin

Pancake Day, Festival Hall, Racine, Wisconsin

Racine, Wisconsin — Kiwanis Pancake Day patrons eat and greet inside Festival Hall along the Lake Michigan shoreline in downtown Racine, Wisconsin. An annual fundraiser sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Greater Racine since...

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The grace of Elizabeth Edwards

Back in October of 2004, my wife Amy was working at the Maidenform store in Pleasant Prairie's Prime Outlets shopping center. One morning — October 21st, to be exact — Amy phoned home to tell me that there was some unusual activity in...

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Hummingbirds and hummingbird feeders

Hummingbirds and hummingbird feeders

The radio show I work for is in Mexico this week — and so, with luck, is the little bird at my nifty HummZinger hummingbird feeder in the photo above. The weekend after Labor Day, he was right outside my window. As I have mentioned before, Amy and I are backyard...

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At home in Racine

At home in Racine

It seems strange now, but growing up in the city immediately south of here, I never got very familiar with Racine. In fact, I spent four years attending middle school in Racine, but never saw much of the city beyond The Prairie School campus out on Wind Point and the...

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Houmann’s Fish & Seafood (Racine, Wisconsin)

Houmann’s Fish & Seafood (Racine, Wisconsin)

Houmann's Fish & Seafood 1026 Liberty St Racine, WI 53404 (262) 633-2477 Update: The Houmann's retail store described here CLOSED (at least for the time being) on October 7, 2006. Empire Fish in Milwaukee is one excellent alternative. [includeme...

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Victorian house, Waukesha, Wisconsin bike race

Victorian house, Waukesha, Wisconsin bike race

Waukesha, Wisconsin — A Victorian-era house dated 1883 stands on the corner as women cyclists descend W. Park Avenue and turn north on West Avenue during the 2005 Carl Zach Cycling Classic, part of the annual Superweek Pro...

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Menasha, Wisconsin: Main Street

Menasha, Wisconsin: Main Street

Menasha, Wisconsin — A race security monitor sits in a lawn chair outside Charley's Barber Shop at 9 Main St. during the Superweek Pro Tour (International Cycling Classic). [includeme...

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Kenosha HarborMarket: Farmer’s market on the lakefront

Kenosha HarborMarket: Farmer’s market on the lakefront

Last Saturday — and then again today — we visited the Kenosha's HarborMarket. My dad used to take me to Kenosha's Farmer's Markets when I was a kid. He made the best dill pickles I have ever tasted. We would go to the grocery store to get the vinegar, the salt, the...

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Memorial Day weekend up north

Memorial Day weekend up north

We spent the weekend visiting family up north. You can see an antonishing mess of stars in the sky up there. You can also find a hell of a lot of ticks crawling on you after a short walk. It is not the wilderness. America's franchise/sprawl culture is sprouting its...

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Mickey-Lu Bar-B-Q, Marinette, Wisconsin

Mickey-Lu Bar-B-Q, Marinette, Wisconsin

Marinette, Wisconsin — Mickey-Lu Bar-B-Q restaurant features a charcoal grill and serves charcoal-broiled sandwiches, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, and bratwurst, as well as malts and shakes made with real ice cream.[includeme...

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Northern tip of Wisconsin on Lake Superior

Northern tip of Wisconsin on Lake Superior

Town of Russell, Bayfield County, Wisconsin — This is pretty much as far north as you can go in Wisconsin without taking a boat to the Apostle Islands. Near Little Sand Bay, a dirt road called Point Detour Road comes to an...

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Virgin Mary with deer

Virgin Mary with deer

Waterford, Wisconsin — A Virgin Mary statue and a resting deer figurine decorate a headstone in Saint Thomas Aquinas Cemetery.

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