The other day, while making her rounds on business, Amy stopped in at the office of an acupuncturist. Upon leaving, she was gifted with a box of Hysan Hua Tuo Medicated Plasters, which is pictured above.

Avid Power Tire Inflator Portable Air Compressor
The cardboard box’s plastic coating is interesting, because it includes various holographic logos and trademarks which can be seen as the box is tilted in the light.
Perhaps this is what is being referred to on the box’s side flap:

Flexzilla Garden Hose
“Y2K fake protection packing.” You just feel so much safer knowing that people somewhere are doing their best to ensure– something or other.
After additional contemplation, I have decided that it’s a bad translation. They’re probably trying to tout the package’s 21st century counterfeit prevention technology.