Your website is the world’s entryway to your livelihood.

Advertising is momentary. Content posted to Facebook slides down to nowhere. TikTok may or may not be banned. The Metaverse was a total flop. Twitter is now called “X” or something.

But your website is at everyone’s fingertips all the time.

Your website communicates worldwide. It tells your story 24/7 with the words, images, and videos you choose. It delivers your message to potential customers when they are searching for it. 

Map of the region around Wisconsin and Illinois
Home repair: A man on a ladder adjusts a light fixture

So how can it be better?

Thinking about your website — the impression it gives visitors and the functions it performs — how can it be improved?

  • Is the graphic design clunky or stale?
  • Does your website display outdated information?
  • Are there broken links or images that don’t load?
  • Does your text contain gibberish or mumbo jumbo?
  • Do competitors’ websites look or work better than yours?

A website can serve as your receptionist, your sales rep, a landing net, a catalog, a point of sale, a press agent, a feedback tool, and more.

Is your website doing all it can?

You can have a real website

You don’t have to settle for a generic template, a cookie-cutter cubbyhole on some website mill, or an eerie guess generated by artificial intelligence.

  • You can have a website that distinctly conveys your brand, position, benefits, and everything you offer.
  • You can have a website that incorporates whatever pieces of functionality you need — custom forms, calculations, specific analytics, etc.
  • You can have a website that’s able to grow and adapt as necessary to quickly address changes in your business — like new services or new personnel — or in the world at large, from road closures to pandemics.

Wrangling technology, reaching people

Small business web designer Mark Czerniec at work on on iMac.
My name is Mark Czerniec, and my mission in life is combining words and images with the tools at hand to communicate with people.

In my 27 years of using the web for these ends, I have learned some things about this medium, and I continue to absorb new developments daily.

If you would like to connect with your own audience through a custom website, I may be able to help you.

We should talk.

(262) 515-9191

The best web designer for your project

WordPress web design

WordPress web designer

Although I learned to write HTML by hand when I started out, most of the websites I design these days are built in WordPress, a top-rated, polished, and adaptable platform.

This ensures that the technology running your website will stay up-to-date — and that its workings will use components accepted by the vast WordPress community instead of a custom mystery solution understood by only one coder.

Map of Milwaukee, Racine, Kenosha area in Wisconsin.

Milwaukee-Racine-Kenosha, Wisconsin

Although I have also created websites for clients in other parts of the United States, most of the small businesses I work with are in southeast Wisconsin — the greater Milwaukee, Racine, and Kenosha areas.

Business owners tell me they like having someone nearby who can meet with them in person, pick up materials, take photos, or shoot videos.

Pendulum centered on the compass of an antique map

Single point of contact and execution

Some design agencies delegate projects to behind-the-scenes teams of entry-level or offshore workers, then bill their clients for hours of coordination between these departments.

Working with me — a solo freelancer — means you are always talking to the experienced designer who is executing your project. Nothing gets lost in translation.

Hand holding magnifying glass, inspecting a multitude of screen shapes

SEO incorporated throughout

SEO — search engine optimization — means including clues in your website that can help search engines like Google understand what you’re offering to which customers and feature you in the results when those customers search.

I include careful consideration to SEO and Local SEO at every step along the way in assembling your website to help your website improve its ranking going forward.