More rumbling noises — ‘The Hum’? Samantha Brown, Christmas unease, William Faulkner’s ‘Sanctuary,‘ Alfred Hitchcock’s ‘Suspicion’ (1941), and ‘Double Jeopardy’ (1999).
Another Week: Number 65
A late March snowstorm triggers Christmas, Kate Middleton has cancer, ‘Winter’s Bone’ (2010), ‘Hitler,’ by Joachim Fest, ‘Detour’ (1945).
December update
It’s been a while since I have checked in. I always think that I don’t have much to report on. Now that my cancer treatments are finished, things naturally have calmed down. We had a pretty uneventful Halloween. The weather was wicked with high winds and the first flakes of snow. We took a ride down to Lake Michigan to see the high waves that people were tweeting about.
Christmas with the Pilgrims, America’s earliest Christians
Pilgrims Going to Church (1867), by George Henry Boughton The Pilgrims considered Christmas an abomination The Pilgrims — the people we celebrate each Thanksgiving, who came to America on the Mayflower, signed the Mayflower Compact and founded Plymouth Colony —...
Chemo, Christmas & New Year’s
I have been in better spirits this past couple of weeks. I loved being together with family and friends during the holidays. I was so happy that everyone was feeling well and we were able to be with both our families for Christmas.
Christmas decorations: Candy cane lights, Racine, Wisconsin
Racine, Wisconsin — Candy cane lights line the driveway of a home decorated for Christmas in the 2600 block of Northwestern Ave., near the RAM's Wustum Museum of Fine Arts.
‘The Beatles Christmas Album’
Among all the John Lennon tributes yesterday, a friend of mine — Stripwax creator Jeff Moody — posted a link to a YouTube video featuring one of the Beatles' wackier departures, "You Know My Name (Look Up the Number)". This, in turn,...
The Krampus and St. Nicholas in Austria (December 5)
The excitement is palpable in the video above as children await the arrival of visitors in Dienten am Hochkönig, a little mountain village in Austria. Many Americans probably recognize St. Nicholas, whose feast day is December 6. A legendary bringer of gifts on the...
Wisconsin Lottery’s Holiday Countdown: No Mike Schank?
Something seems queasily familiar here, and it's not just the lame imitation of Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In in the Wisconsin Lottery commercial above. It's those 25 windows and the gingerbread house on the Wisconsin Lottery's new...
Oprah Winfrey snow globe
Apart from losing my job this morning, my biggest disappointment was that Steve Dahl never got around to reading Christopher Borrelli's outstanding Tribune story about the amazing and wondrous Oprah Winfrey Show snow globe, available at the Oprah Winfrey store. (The...
Empire Fish Company: Milwaukee fish and seafood market
Empire Fish Company 11200 W Watertown Plank Rd Milwaukee, WI 53226 (414) 259-1330 There are two kinds of people in the world, and we spent Christmas Eve morning with our own. The other kind wince and whine when...
Pierogi recipes from my mom: Pierogi dough & fillings
As a Chicago-born guy of Polish descent, these pierogi recipes have always been central to my Christmas holiday. The humble pierogi is Poland's take on the ubiquitous filled noodle dumpling, enjoyed elsewhere as ravioli or kreplach or pelmeni or jiaozi (pot stickers)....
History of Christmas in America: ‘The Battle for Christmas’
Now that Thanksgiving is in the rearview mirror, we can look forward to a full month of Christmas ads in the newspapers, Christmas commercials and specials on TV, Christmas music on the radio and in every retail store, and Christmas decorations throughout our...
Marshall Field’s Great Clock, Christmas elf
Chicago, Illinois — The Great Clock on the Marshall Field's store, on the corner of North State Street and East Washington Street, installed on November 26, 1897. [includeme...
Marshall Field’s on State Street, Christmas
Chicago, Illinois — City sidewalk outside Marshall Field's State Street store — the epicenter of Christmas for the Midwestern United States, a week before the holiday. [includeme...
Christmas sauerkraut, pork, and noodles
Chicago, Illinois — Vendor with sauerkraut, pork, and noodles for sale at Christkindlmarket Chicago.
Green Bay Packers matryoshka (Russian nesting dolls)
Chicago, Illinois — Matryoshka dolls (a.k.a. Russian nesting dolls or babushka dolls) for sale at Christkindlmarket Chicago include Green Bay Packers dolls, Boris Yeltsin, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Charlie Chaplin...
Chicago Christmas tree, 1999
Chicago, Illinois — Daley Plaza, with the official city Christmas tree and Chicago City Hall behind it.