Speaking of Oprah, Sarah Terez Rosenblum has a Chicago Sun-Times story today about Robyn Okrant, a writer-performer who has been living her life according to Oprah for darn near a year now:
“… I have to breathe a certain way, I have to savor every meal, I have to be happy every time I walk in the front door of my house, I have to love Cher.”

My Weigh KD-8000 Digital Food Scale
The My Weigh KD-8000 is a new version of My Weigh’s top selling kitchen scale, updated with baker’s math and percentage weighing.
I don’t know whether she has the Oprah snow globe yet.
Update, 12/6/2008: Mary tells me that Robyn Okrant’s “Living Oprah” endeavor has also been featured on NPR.